Analyzing One of the Fastest Growing Areas in the Digital Economy
TIARCENTER, along with the Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC), looked into ways in which Sharing and Collaborative Consumption in Russia can be developed.
Action Taken
The study examines the Sharing Economy’s contribution to meeting priority government objectives not only in the digital arena but also in the areas of ecology, encouragement of entrepreneurship, and improvements to the urban environment.
We carried out a survey of all the major models for Collaborative Consumption services and the sharing ecosystem, in particular services facilitating secure transactions; as well as an analysis of the areas in which Sharing and Collaborative Consumption in Russia are most developed i.e. transport, property leasing, financial services, and C2C sales and services.
The Result
The study led to the drawing up of a number of recommendations on improvements that can be made to the regulatory framework. We estimate that if put into practice, these recommendations will take the Sharing Economy in Russia to a completely new level.
The study’s conclusions were presented at the Russian Internet Week (RIW) – one of the largest forums dedicated to the digital economy.